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Kathan Soni

precision,recall and F1-score

When to use Precision, Recall, or F1-score?

There are mainly two types of problems with machine learning. The first one is regression and the second is a classification problem. After building any model, its evaluation is a very important part of making the best model and optimizing it. Here you will know when to use Precision, Recall, or F1 score to evaluate the classification problem.

Deploy Flask app using docker and GitHub actions on Heroku

Deploy Flask app using docker and GitHub actions on Heroku

After creating the machine learning model, we can use the Flask framework to create API for web applications. After creating a web app, we can deploy it on a cloud platform like Heroku. Here I will teach you how to deploy the flask app to Heroku using docker and GitHub actions. With Docker and Github actions, you can create CI/CD… Continue readingDeploy Flask app using docker and GitHub actions on Heroku

Great Ways to Get the Datasets for machine learning

Great Ways to Get the Datasets for machine learning

You can’t make any machine learning or deep learning model without data. You must have a dataset of a particular domain to create a model from it. But many times it happens that you can’t find your desired dataset on a particular website. Here are ways to get the dataset of your choice.

Feature Selection with Lasso Regression in machine learning

Feature Selection with Lasso Regression in machine learning

Many feature selection techniques include RFE(Recursive feature elimination), VIF(Variance Inflation Factor), VarianceThreshold, and many more. Lasso is one of the feature selection techniques in Data Science, which is used for feature selection for linear regression problems only. Lasso has two use cases. First, it is used to get rid of the overfitting of the linear regression model. And second, as… Continue readingFeature Selection with Lasso Regression in machine learning

images to WebP converter

Flask app to convert images to WebP in python

Recently I have been searching to convert my images to Webp. But I found that the most popular WebP converter websites were not fully free versions. They are giving let’s say 5 or 10 images to convert to WebP for free and then they will ask to buy their paid version to convert unlimited images. Therefore after some research, I built the flask app to convert my PNG or any other format images into WebP format. So here I provided that app here.