The Google Maps API offers a wide range of functionalities, including geocoding, reverse geocoding, calculating distances, and displaying maps. Integrating this powerful API into Python applications can significantly enhance geolocation capabilities. In this blog, we’ll walk through the steps to use the Google Maps API in Python.
Why Use Google Maps API in python?
Google Maps API allows developers to incorporate map-related services directly into their applications. Whether you’re building a logistics app, a navigation system, or a location-based service, Google Maps API provides the tools you need.
By incorporating Google Maps API in coding languages like python, you can leverage it’s functionality and can create amazing apps on top of it.
Getting Started: Requirements
1. Google Cloud Account
You need access to the Google Cloud Console to create an API key.
2. Python Environment
Ensure Python is installed on your system. You’ll also need to install the Google Maps client library.
Step 1: Get Your Google Maps API Key
1. Log in to the Google Cloud Console.
2. Create a new project or select an existing one.

3. Go to APIs & Services > Credentials and click Create Credentials > API Key.

4. Enable the APIs you’ll use, such as Geocoding API or Distance Matrix API.
5. Copy and securely store the API key.
Step 2: Install the Google Maps Python Client
To interact with Google Maps API using Python, install the official Google Maps client library:
pip install -U googlemaps
Step 3: Initialize the Google Maps Client
Start by importing the library and initializing the client with your API key:
import googlemaps gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key='YOUR_API_KEY')
Step 4: Use Google Maps API Features
1. Geocoding: Get Coordinates from an Address
Geocoding converts a physical address into latitude and longitude:
address = '1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA' geocode_result = gmaps.geocode(address) if geocode_result: location = geocode_result[0]['geometry']['location'] print(f"Latitude: {location['lat']}, Longitude: {location['lng']}")
2. Reverse Geocoding: Get Address from Coordinates
Reverse geocoding translates coordinates into a human-readable address:
coordinates = (37.4219999, -122.0840575) reverse_result = gmaps.reverse_geocode(coordinates) if reverse_result: print(f"Address: {reverse_result[0]['formatted_address']}")
3. Distance Matrix API: Calculate Travel Distance and Time
Compute the distance and duration between two locations:
origin = 'New York, NY' destination = 'Los Angeles, CA' result = gmaps.distance_matrix(origin, destination, mode='driving') if result['rows']: element = result['rows'][0]['elements'][0] print(f"Distance: {element['distance']['text']}, Duration: {element['duration']['text']}")
4. Static Maps API: Generate a Static Map
Generate and save a static map image:
import requests params = { 'center': 'New York, NY', 'zoom': 12, 'size': '600x400', 'key': 'YOUR_API_KEY' } response = requests.get('', params=params) if response.status_code == 200: with open('map.png', 'wb') as file: file.write(response.content) print("Map image saved as 'map.png'")
Google Maps API Pricing and Quotas
Google Maps API offers flexible pricing based on usage. It provides a free tier with a monthly credit of $200, which is suitable for small projects or testing. Here’s a breakdown of the pricing for some of the popular services:
1. Geocoding API
• Free tier: 40,000 requests per month.
• Paid tier: $5 per 1,000 requests after the free quota.
2. Distance Matrix API
• Free tier: 40,000 elements per month.
• Paid tier: $5 per 1,000 elements after the free quota.
3. Static Maps API
• Free tier: 100,000 requests per month.
• Paid tier: $2 per 1,000 requests after the free quota.
4. Directions API
• Free tier: 40,000 requests per month.
• Paid tier: $5 per 1,000 requests after the free quota.
5. Places API
• Free tier: 1,000 requests per day.
• Paid tier: $17 per 1,000 requests after the free quota.
To check the full pricing details and customize your quota based on your needs, visit the Google Maps Platform Pricing page.
Using Google Maps API in Python opens up endless possibilities for geolocation-based applications. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily integrate and use Google Maps functionalities in your projects.
Whether you’re building a navigation tool or adding geocoding to your app, the Google Maps API provides the reliability and flexibility you need. Ready to enhance your app with geolocation features? Start coding today!
Also Read: Easy way to detect isolated and overlapping geo polygons in Python