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Recursive Feature Elimination in machine learning

Recursive Feature Elimination(RFE): Effective Feature selection method in machine learning

To reduce features in a dataset, two methods are there in machine learning: Feature selection and Feature extraction. Recursive feature elimination or in short RFE is the feature selection method. Here is given a complete guide on Recursive Feature Elimination for feature selection in machine learning. What is RFE? In Feature extraction, two or more features are combined from existing… Continue readingRecursive Feature Elimination(RFE): Effective Feature selection method in machine learning

Naive Bayes Classifier in machine learning

Naive Bayes Classifier in machine learning- All you need to know

Classification machine learning algorithms use probability to predict the correct class, such as Logistic regression, SVC, decision tree classifier, Lasso regression, etc. Naive Bayes is the supervised machine learning algorithm used for classification problems. Let’s see how it works. Principle of Naive Bayes classifier The Naive Bayes classifier is one of the fastest and simplest algorithms in machine learning. The… Continue readingNaive Bayes Classifier in machine learning- All you need to know

pipeline in machine learning

How to make a useful pipeline in machine learning using sklearn

A machine learning pipeline consists of multiple data extraction, preprocessing, and model-building steps. It helps to automate processes that are required in model building. Pipeline helps to include all steps of preprocessing, feature selection, feature extraction, model selection, and model building In one entity. Here we will see how to make a pipeline in machine learning.

logging in python

What is logging and How to make it from scratch in python

With the help of python, we can build many projects of web scraping, data science, and more. When you are building a project, logging is also an essential part of that. There are many benefits of logging into the program. Here we will talk about what is logging in python and how to do it by the in-built library as well as by building it from scratch.

Deploy Flask app using docker and GitHub actions on Heroku

Deploy Flask app using docker and GitHub actions on Heroku

After creating the machine learning model, we can use the Flask framework to create API for web applications. After creating a web app, we can deploy it on a cloud platform like Heroku. Here I will teach you how to deploy the flask app to Heroku using docker and GitHub actions. With Docker and Github actions, you can create CI/CD… Continue readingDeploy Flask app using docker and GitHub actions on Heroku

Feature Selection with Lasso Regression in machine learning

Feature Selection with Lasso Regression in machine learning

Many feature selection techniques include RFE(Recursive feature elimination), VIF(Variance Inflation Factor), VarianceThreshold, and many more. Lasso is one of the feature selection techniques in Data Science, which is used for feature selection for linear regression problems only. Lasso has two use cases. First, it is used to get rid of the overfitting of the linear regression model. And second, as… Continue readingFeature Selection with Lasso Regression in machine learning

images to WebP converter

Flask app to convert images to WebP in python

Recently I have been searching to convert my images to Webp. But I found that the most popular WebP converter websites were not fully free versions. They are giving let’s say 5 or 10 images to convert to WebP for free and then they will ask to buy their paid version to convert unlimited images. Therefore after some research, I built the flask app to convert my PNG or any other format images into WebP format. So here I provided that app here.